Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Couple Found Dead in Tutong

A couple was found dead yesterday just outside their house in Telisai Tutong.

The deceased, both locals, were husband and wife. The man was in his 40's while the woman in her 30s.

The bodies were reportedly found by a family member, who raised the alarm, at around 2pm. The body of the man was reportedly found near the doorstep and the woman a few metres away.

When the Bulletin arrived at the scene late in the evening, the police had cordoned off the area.

The daughter of the man said, "I only found out about the deaths late this afternoon. I am in shock as I didn't expect this to happen. I rushed here as fast as possible."

The daughter, who was in tears as she spoke to the media, goes to a college in the capital.

"I arrived late and do not know what happened," she added.

Meanwhile, the father of the dead man said, "I received a call from one of my children at around 3pm about the incident. He was the eldest son of seven. He has 10 children, six from his previous marriage and four from his second wife who was also found dead at the scene.

"At the time (of the incident), I was in the capital undergoing a course and was called in the afternoon and arrived late," his father said.

"I didn't expect this to happen and was shocked when told of the deaths," he said.

According to the father his son got married to the second wife in 1995. He worked in the private sector, he added.

Police personnel were at the scene but refused to comment as investigations are ongoing. [Borneo Bulletin]

WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit and Family Found Dead

Renowned pro wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife and their 7-year-old-son, were found dead Monday afternoon in their Fayetville, Ga. home, Atlanta police said.

Police would not give any details on how Benoit, 40, his wife Nancy, and son Daniel died, other than to say they were not shot to death, the Atlanta-Journal Constitution reported Monday. Authorities are investigating the deaths and are considering the possibility of a murder-suicide, where Benoit killed his family over the weekend and himself on Monday. The three bodies were found in different rooms of the home, according to reports.

The Edmonton, Canada native trained to become a wrestler in Calgary, and honed his skills in Japan before becoming a regular on U.S. national promotions in the mid-1990s. Benoit's career highlight took place in New York, when he won his first World Wrestling Entertainment world heavyweight championship in Madison Square Garden in the main event of WrestleMania XX.

Benoit cried as he celebrated in the ring with his wife and son, as well as best friend, wrestler Eddie Guerrero, who died in 2005. [Newsday]

Paris Hilton - She's Free

After 23 days in jail, Paris Hilton is finally a free woman.

The heiress was released from prison shortly after midnight on Tuesday. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that Paris has lost nearly 10 pounds during her stay and that on her way out of jail, she stopped to change clothes in a public restroom that "smells rancid." [TMZ.com]

Friday, June 22, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happiness is Voyage

We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another.
Then we get frustrated because our children are not old enough and that all will be well when they are older.
Then we are frustrated because they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely we’ll be happier when they grow out of the teen years.

We tell ourselves our life will be better when our spouse gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a vacation, when we finally retire.
The truth is that there is no better time to be happy than right now.
If not, then when?

Your life will always be full of challenges. It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy in spite of it all.
For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start. Real life.
But there was always some obstacle along the way, an ordeal to get through, some work to be finished, some time to be given, and a bill to be paid. Then life would start.

I finally came to understand that those obstacles were life.
That point of view helped me see that there isn’t any road to happiness.
Happiness IS the road.
So, enjoy every moment.

Stop waiting for school to end, for a return to school, to lose ten pounds, to gain ten pounds, for work to begin, to get married, for Friday evening, for Sunday morning, waiting for a new car, for your mortgage to be paid off, for spring, for summer, for fall, for winter, for the first or the fifteenth of the month, for your song to be played on the radio, to die, to be reborn… before deciding to be happy.
Happiness is a voyage, not a destination.

There is no better time to be happy than… NOW!
Live and enjoy the moment.

-Author unknown

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Nicole Richie Carrying Joel Madden's Baby

Nicole Richie is being coy on the question of whether she's pregnant, but a good pal of hers says she's definitely carrying Joel Madden's love spawn. "Nicole is kind of hoping her pregnancy will keep her out of jail," the friend said. Richie is facing time due to a DWI arrest earlier this year. But friends are concerned and "wondering if she can carry the baby to term because of her weight issues," we're told. A rep for Richie didn't return calls. [Source]

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hysterical Paris Hilton Ordered Back to Jail

Just one day after sheriff's officials released her to house arrest, L.A. Superior Court Judge ordered Hilton to return to the Century Regional Detention Facility in suburban Lynwood. The judge also ruled that Hilton will have to serve the remainder of her 45-day sentence in the jail facility. The order is final.

Following the decision, Hilton was escorted from the courtroom by two deputies as she screamed, “Mom! Mom! Mom! It's not right.” And later driven back to jail, trailed by news helicopters.

Celebrity Web site TMZ.com said Hilton's lawyer was planning to appeal her sentence. TMZ also reported that she would probably spend the weekend in a medical facility at a city jail. Officials could not confirm that. [REUTERS]

Friday, June 8, 2007

Paris Hilton Released From Jail. Not Fair!

The Internet is abuzz over what sort of undisclosed medical condition could have allowed Paris Hilton to be released from jail today, less than four days into her 23-day sentence.

The 26-year-old hotel Hilton Hotel heiress was originally sentenced to 45 days in prison for violating probation after being caught driving with a suspended license. That term was later reduced to 23 days.

Hilton must now serve 40 days of house arrest. She will have to wear an electronic monitoring device on her ankle to ensure she stays home during that period. [MP3.com]

Friday, June 1, 2007

Royal Wedding in June

The nation will be in a celebratory mood in the next two weeks for the joyful event of the Royal Wedding of the daughter of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, Her Royal Highness Princess Hajah Majeedah Nuurul Bulqiah and YM Pengiran Khairul Khalil bin Pengiran Syed Hj Jaafari.

The ceremonies steeped in Brunei royal custom will take place in four venues, namely at the Istana Nurul Iman, Darul Karamah, which is the groom's residence in Beribi, Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien mosque, as well as the Lapau ceremonial hall in the capital.

It will begin with "Istiadat Bersuruh Diraja" (proposal of marriage) ceremony on June 1 followed by "Istiadat Membuka Gendang Jaga-Jaga" on Saturday, June 2 to formally herald the start of celebrations of the royal wedding and the start of performances of royal court musicians.

It is only after this ceremony that the dates for subsequent customs and ceremonies related to the royal wedding will be fixed.

"Istiadat Menghantar Tanda Diraja" (bringing of articles) will be on June 3 and "Istiadat Menghantar Pertunangan Diraja" (engagement) on June 4.

"Istiadat Berbedak Pengantin Diraja" (applying powder paste) is scheduled for June 5 while "Istiadat Akad Nikah Diraja" (solemnisation of marriage vows) will be held on June 7.

"Istiadat Berinai Diraja" (applying henna paste) will be on June 9 and "Istiadat Persandingan Diraja" (sitting-in-state ceremony) which is the climax, will be held on June 10 followed by a procession around the town area.

"Majlis Istiadat Persantapan Diraja" (royal banquet) will be held on the evening of June 11 and "Istiadat Pengantin Diraja Mulih Tiga Hari" (a ceremony held three days after the wedding) on June 13. "Istiadat Menutup Gendang Jaga-Jaga" on June 14 will officially mark the end of two-week-long events.

Meanwhile, the Information Department as the Committee on Information and Communication informed yesterday that the media centre and media secretariat for the royal wedding is now open.

Both are located at the Information Department at the old airport and are open from 8am to 8pm. The contact numbers are 2381446/ 2391189 and 2381473 (fax). Contact persons are Hj Dayang Hj Kasim, Dyg Hjh Noorashidah Bte Hj Aliomar and Dyg Sastra Sarini Bte Hj Juliani.

The official web site for the royal wedding - www.information.gov.bn/royalwedding -- contains the calendar of events, media room and updates of the royal wedding.

In conjunction with the royal wedding, residents throughout the country are to fly the national flag throughout the celebration period starting on Friday. Pengirans and people bestowed with titles should fly their own respective personal flags until June 14, RTB reported. [Borneo Bulletin]

Happy Cat Kaoani